`The World Game test provides insight into the cognitive abilities as well as the affective and pedagogical aspects of a child, more specifically how the child explores the world, how the child handles itself in the world and how the child processes knowledge and new information. By asking the child to build a village using hand crafted, building blocks, we open the door to the child’s creativity, allowing the child to feel safe. The informal and playful nature of the test makes the World Game a fun activity for the child as well. Gifted children are unique in their quantitative performances and experiences, and they are often characterized by asynchronous development and intense overexcitabilities.
In order to teach and help them appropriately, we need to be curious about their inner lives as well as the outer, measurable qualities. Because of its playful appearance, the World Game test is difficult for the child to “see through,” making it equally difficult to manipulate a specific result or to prep the child in advance. At the same time the World Game provides insights into aspects of the child’s well-being; aspects that many children find challenging to express verbally.
The insights gained through the World Game are useful when working to understand a child, providing us with indications of possible strengths and weaknesses, i.e.: Visual processing difficulties, Autism, Dyslexia, ADHD, OCD, Perfectionism, Relation to mother and father, Creativity, Cooperation of hemispheres, Learning style. By using the World Game, we gain access to the inner life of the child by means of this formalized qualitative assessment tool. The insights allow us to approach the child with authenticity and understanding, creationg a greater sense of purpose and meaning for the child, thus enabling us to map the child`s potential.` – Dr. Linda Silverman, Grith Tschorn, Nikki Myers – CAGT-Conference, Colorado, October 21, 2024

……………………………………………………………………………………….(Picture: Dr. Temple Grandin loved building a village .)

`The World Game assessment is what I have been searching for for a long time. The ability to have a tool to objectively assess a child at play is a game changer for educators to have in their toolbox. For too long we have relied on verbal/language heavy assessments that tend to miss so much.  This is well researched and should be an integral part of a child’s assessment battery. I am excited to be among the first educators to bring this to the US. This will definitely be an integral part of our 3D Learner(R) program when working with these smart Visual Spatial/Right-Brained learners. Working with the most incredible professionals from around the world to be trained in this program was such a thrill. Thank-you for bringing this to us!!` Mira Halpert, MEd, Director/Founder of 3D Learner, Inc – USA

The training was an extraordinary and wonderful occasion for me on so many different levels. The World Game is an amazing tool and I look forward to using it this year to help children and their teachers have a better understanding of how they learn best. I wanted to thank you wholeheartedly and let you know I will be eternally grateful for your precious gift to me.‘ Naomi Woods – Elementary Teacher, Rome

`To our way of thinking, the World Game aligns beautifully with our school mission statement: fostering gifted education from the inside out.`  Dr. J. Frank, Westmount Charter School, Calgary-Canada

`The World Game was developed in the 1920s in Europe as the basis for play therapy. It is both a projective test and a non-verbal IQ test that can be used to find gifted children from culturally diverse backgrounds, bilingual, 2E… all kinds of backgronds of childrend that are often missed in our indentification of the gifted. It only takes 15 minutes to administer. This training is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity to develop expertise with this fascinating instrument. ` Dr. Linda Silverman-Gifted Development Center, Denver

`I was trained in 2018 in Denmark. It is a subjective tool. I do the World Game with every child that I see just as I am beginning to work with them. It`s a wonderful way to start and they love building their village. In the buildig I am able to see various aspects of a child in how they learn as well as personal characteristics. And it often reflects things from their present and past as well.  Tina Harlow, child and family therapist-Colorado USA.

`My first experience happened while having my own son assest with the World Game by the Gifted Institute Denmark. And I instantly knew that I just had to learn how to work with this fascinating tool that has so much told me about my son. The World Game makes a huge different for me in my work. I recommend anyone working with assessment, teaching or the well being of children anyway to sign up for this training.` Stine Borbye Edelvang – speech and language pathologist and behavior analyst-Denmark

‘With the knowledge I gained, I was able to coach in a much more focused way.’ Josien Peters, psychologist–Belgium  

`You have been an excellent teacher! You taught us critical concepts, helped us see complex relationships and determine patterns as we learned new information. Your well-paced teaching strategies were respectful of the acquisition of knowledge and your “classroom” was a safe environment where trust, risk-taking and self-efficacy was promoted. You encouraged us toward higher order thinking skills, problem-solving and imagination. No wonder we developed, with you, a warm social-emotional relationship in which to think and work together.`  Dr. Janneke Frank, Consultant, Gifted Education-Canada

`It has been the greatest pleasure to have this time learning the World Game. It has been magical. I can`t wait to see how the World Game changes the world. `A..

I really thought it was dyslexia and almost accepted this, along with the parents. Motivated by the course, I went to work and now the gap is almost gone and the child can use his talents effectively in the learning process. ‘ Mark van Dam, special teacher – The Netherlands.

`As a real language thinker, I had no idea that image thinkers exist. How nice to understand this and now really have to help them in their school career.` Carolien Heuvel, special teacher – The Netherlands

`As a gifted specialist within our school, I have been able to recognize many students as such and identify the associated behavioral issues. The World Game provides non-verbal insight into a student`s cognition level, even if school results lag behind. Specific characteristics of giftedness, such as justice, creativity and in-dept reasoning are recognizable. The World Game leads to an official intelligence test, which in moest cases confirms the giftedness. It is truly a useful addition to the regular tests.` L. Jaspers, special teacher giftedness.