Target group
The World Game assessment is diagnostically relevant for youth between the ages of 5 and 15 years old, but can be used at all ages. The assesment is (in most cases) used as an additional component in an educational research or in combination with previously acquired research data. It is a mode of expression and a representation of the way in which a child organises their inner and outer world. The World Game is both an IQ test and a projective test.

The World Game is employed as a non-verbal research tool. This means that the child is not required to speak at all. The child can build freely, without having to support or explain this verbally. Very effective in non-speaking/native children or children with a fear of failure. The World Game is the only 100% non-verbal intelligence and projective research tool.

Short time
The factual examination with the World Game itself takes between 5-15 minutes of the child. In this short time, the child builds a village and the researcher gains insight from analysis into three aspects of the child: the cognitive, the social-emotional and the pedagogical aspect.

The World Game assessment provides insight into:

  1. The cognitive abilities of a child
    How does the child explore his world around him?
  2. The present affective aspect of a child
    How does the child experience his world?
  1. The pedagogical aspect of a child
    How does the child handle his world?
  2. Giftedness
    How does the child process knowledge and new information?

Consequentially, you can pose the question: `How should we educate/coach/help this child?`

In addition the World Game shows us signs of Autism, Dyslexia, AD/HD, OCD, perfectionism, relation to mother/father, hopes for the future, trauma, trouble zone, creativity and cooperation of hemispheres.

The execution of the World Game is individual (apart from the researcher and the child, no one else is in the room), and nonverbal (there is no interaction between the child and the researcher). All the attention is focused on the end product).

The researcher first looks at all the pile of elements on the table together with the child. Then the child is requested to build a village. In principle, there will be no talking during the building process.

Firstly, the acting itself is studied, the handling of the material. The researcher observes and makes notes. When the village is finished (often between five and fifteen minutes), the child is allowed (if possible) to explain what they have built. The researcher listens.
Afterwards the factual examination has ended. Evaluating the child`s build happens at the end, using a score sheet. The end product (the village) provides insight in the development of the child.

The results that, together with other research data, emerge are very valuable for parents, teachers and the child itself. Experience teaches that remedial teachers, psychologists, speech therapists and remedial educationalists who work with the World Game (only 15 extra minutes!) are able to uncover what is at play in the child much deeper and more effectively, on both the educational as the social-emotional side.

Added values
The World Game is exclusively intended as a preventive and orienting research tool. The gathered results help to realise a curriculum differentiation, for not only the educational, but also for the social and emotional side. The building is always a mere snapshot. The building provides insight into the PRESENT, in that which has recently been experienced.

The World Game works pretty well with children who are demand avoiding, as with blind children, paralized children, deaf children, refugee children, children with verbal problems suchs as aphasia, LDD.

And… with this non-verbal tool it is impossible to prep a child beforehand, as e.g.a WISC-V or Raven`s be trainable.

Working with the World Game is enriching, adds to the whole and proves time and again to be effective. The schools that employ a qualified World Game Practitioner to get insight in children`s intelligence, well-being and information processing, can work faster and with more focus. This prevents unnecessary problems.